Photo by Pink Sherbet
…a blog aimed at being a handy resource for ideas on balancing life’s juggle, as well as a community of people providing support and suggestions for finding balance in life. Managing multiple roles and trying to keep up with the demands of those roles can be a struggle… but being involved in various activities and aspects of life can also be fulfilling, if approached with a sense of balance and simplicity. That philosophy is what will drive the development of this blog. Let me take some time to introduce you to us, our ideas, and our vision for :simple:balance:.
Who are we?
We are two women who are interested in how finding balance in multiple roles can enhance one’s life. We work in business and in healthcare, have families and friends, are involved in community and extracurricular activities, and are always looking for new ways to learn. We both researched work-life balance while in graduate school, and since then, have been striving to apply what we learned then (and have continued to learn since) to our own lives. We are fortunate to be working with some amazing guest writers, as well, who will share their perspectives on finding simple balance here. We also look forward to getting to know you, too.
What are our ideas?
Because of our academic backgrounds, we believe that “the proof is in the pudding,” so to speak. Research is such a valuable tool that allows us to learn more about what works and what doesn’t, but it is not always easy to figure out how to apply the findings. One of our goals for :simple:balance: is to provide a forum in which we translate some of the important and leading research in the area of work-life balance into everyday, understandable, and usable information. “How can I implement that into my life?” is a question we will strive to answer in each post. We recently completed an on-line survey to solicit feedback from potential :simple:balance: readers on the struggles they face with balancing life roles and issues that they would be interested in reading or learning more about. We will share more about the findings of that survey soon, and plan to use the feedback shared there in the development of :simple:balance:.
What is our vision for :simple:balance:?
We recognize that finding balance is related to many different aspects of life – health, nutrition, social support, self-care, time management, relationships, and spirituality, to name a few. We hope to cover a variety of topics here that have applications for your life that you can implement today. :simple:balance: is a labor of love, truly, for us. We plan to develop ideas and insights as we go, while maintaining a focus on finding balance simply. We also strongly encourage your participation via comments to the posts. Our goal is to create an online community for sharing ideas, experiences and insights – so we look forward to hearing from you! We plan to post a couple of times per week to start off, and are excited about getting started!
Please join us…
While finding balance is not always easy, it can be simple. Juggling multiple roles is complex – that’s just the nature of the beast – but returning our focus to simplicity will allow us to fully engage ourselves in those roles and find enjoyment in them. Please join us on :simple:balance: and take a step toward finding balance in your own life.
Who are we?
We are two women who are interested in how finding balance in multiple roles can enhance one’s life. We work in business and in healthcare, have families and friends, are involved in community and extracurricular activities, and are always looking for new ways to learn. We both researched work-life balance while in graduate school, and since then, have been striving to apply what we learned then (and have continued to learn since) to our own lives. We are fortunate to be working with some amazing guest writers, as well, who will share their perspectives on finding simple balance here. We also look forward to getting to know you, too.
What are our ideas?
Because of our academic backgrounds, we believe that “the proof is in the pudding,” so to speak. Research is such a valuable tool that allows us to learn more about what works and what doesn’t, but it is not always easy to figure out how to apply the findings. One of our goals for :simple:balance: is to provide a forum in which we translate some of the important and leading research in the area of work-life balance into everyday, understandable, and usable information. “How can I implement that into my life?” is a question we will strive to answer in each post. We recently completed an on-line survey to solicit feedback from potential :simple:balance: readers on the struggles they face with balancing life roles and issues that they would be interested in reading or learning more about. We will share more about the findings of that survey soon, and plan to use the feedback shared there in the development of :simple:balance:.
What is our vision for :simple:balance:?
We recognize that finding balance is related to many different aspects of life – health, nutrition, social support, self-care, time management, relationships, and spirituality, to name a few. We hope to cover a variety of topics here that have applications for your life that you can implement today. :simple:balance: is a labor of love, truly, for us. We plan to develop ideas and insights as we go, while maintaining a focus on finding balance simply. We also strongly encourage your participation via comments to the posts. Our goal is to create an online community for sharing ideas, experiences and insights – so we look forward to hearing from you! We plan to post a couple of times per week to start off, and are excited about getting started!
Please join us…
While finding balance is not always easy, it can be simple. Juggling multiple roles is complex – that’s just the nature of the beast – but returning our focus to simplicity will allow us to fully engage ourselves in those roles and find enjoyment in them. Please join us on :simple:balance: and take a step toward finding balance in your own life.
Can't wait to see what's on the horizon...