August 2, 2010

Taking Breaks

Photo by FrozenQ8

You may have noticed that we have been absent from :simple:balance: over the last few months. (And if you are someone who noticed, THANK YOU for being a faithful reader!). Things have been quite hectic in our lives and in those of our contributing writers, so this space has recently been neglected. It's certainly not surprising that folks like Maggie and me, who have such an interest in work-life balance, would ourselves lead very busy lives. And as you likely are, we are constantly seeking ways to get it all done and feel a sense of balance through the busyness.

One of the things that I am learning, both through my own experience and through listening to and watching others, is that sometimes finding balance means letting things go. And quite honestly, that's what has happened here. Other things have taken priority – our day jobs, families, health, and the like – and so blogging has had to take a temporary back seat. That's not to say that these past few months have been all whirlwind. Our break from :simple:balance: has also coincided with some much-needed vacations, time outside in the garden, and connecting with friends and loved ones. All of it is important and all of it contributes to our daily, monthly, and lifelong nourishment. And, as with most things, when something steps up the priority ladder, something else must step down.

I have to say that I have missed :simple:balance: during this break. I always find motivation and inspiration from our guest writers and in the comments from you, our readers. And doing the research and writing for my own posts is also an endeavor for me to keep learning and implementing healthy changes in my own life. I have come to really enjoy this little space, and so I have felt the void these last few months. I have also learned a lot about myself and my own sense of balance during this time. While :simple:balance: and the connections with other folks like yourself are important to me, I currently have other things in my life that have to come first.

We hope to be back here soon with new content, ideas, and thought-provoking posts. So please don't give up on us! But until then, we encourage you each to take stock of your own lives. Do you need a break from anything in your life that is currently taking time and energy that you don't have? Is it time to re-assess your priorities and determine what should and needs to come first?

Let us be your example and permission to do just that. Take a break from something, drop something down the priority list, and use some of your leftover time for a task or relationship that you've neglected. After all, achieving simple balance does not mean "doing/having it all." It means finding comfort in the ebb and flow of life – vacations and breaks definitely included!

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