June 30, 2010

Blooming Mindfully

photo by Casey Conerly

We have been away for almost a month dealing with our work-life balance or in my case with some imbalances. We are very happy to introduce a guest writer, Casey Conerly. She is the owner of Conerly Productions (public relations and voice messaging services). She is also a songwriter, photo bug, garden piddler, yoga nut, spiritual seeker, one-time surfer girl. Enjoy!

I have enjoyed watching my summer garden get its bloom on this year; appreciating the beauty in each step of the process. What a magical journey from budding to bloom; and becoming. No rushing; fully present, alive and beautiful each step of the way. I think we could all learn a thing or two from nature, as we strive to keep our lives in balance each day.

For me, awareness is the key to balanced living. To be fully present and engaged allows you to see every moment of your life and appreciate it. I find that when I am rushing; or my mind is in the past or the future, it causes stress. And, I miss what is going on right now. Awareness helps you stay in touch with your feelings as you go about your day and can help you catch yourself before you are suddenly wondering why you want to eat a half gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

Each one of us is unique. What brings you peace and joy, what drains you, what energizes you? Self awareness will help you create the balance you need. I know that being in nature is a de-stressor for me. After I have been working at my computer for awhile, I will go outside in my garden to see what is new, breathe in the air and disconnect from work for just a few minutes.

When you are mindful, you are in balance with the universe. If you work on it over time, and create space for the things you love, your life will be much more harmonious. If you have too much going on in your life, decide what is truly important; and simplify. Simplicity allows more space in your life. Leave yourself some breathing room.
When I am present and aware in each moment, I notice much less stress, I make clearer decisions, and I have an underlying sense of peace and joy. Mindfulness allows me to bloom slowly, taking in each precious moment of the journey.

Hope you will have a wonderful 4th of July with many mindful moments.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful re-MIND-ers, Casey!
    I think that one of life's funny jokes is how much re-MIND-ing I need to be MINDful!
