Photo by Camp ASCCA
As we move from a season of haunts and haints to a season of thanksgiving, I wonder if I am blessed with a more balanced life than I perceive. Do I take note of and cherish the opportunities that I have to engage in what I enjoy? Do I feel and express gratitude for those experiences enough? Am I so focused on feeling overwhelmed or burdened with my various life roles and responsibilities that I forget why I made them a part of my life to start with?
I ask myself these questions, sort of, as a self-test. I am afraid that there are many situations in which I have time with my family, but I don't soak it up like I should. And then I complain that I don’t have enough quality time with my loved ones. I am afraid that the time I have to myself is spent trying to do as much as possible instead of just enjoying my surroundings and taking a break from "the grind." And then my focus is on how little me-time I believe I have. I am afraid that I have more balance in my life than I give it credit for.
I think we all may find that our lives are more balanced than we realize if we just take the time to focus on what we are doing in the present moment and do it with vigor and passion. I have learned that an important aspect of feeling balanced is based on how I perceive my life. If I am more aware of the blessings I have, the quality of my relationships and work, and the value I place on all of these things, I am sure to feel more balance. On the reverse side, though, if my attention is on how little time I have, how stressed I feel, or all of the things I am missing out on, I will feel less balanced.
This Thanksgiving season I intend on doing my job with extra focus, absorbing every moment with my wife, daughter, and family, making my extracurricular activities a ton of FUN, and just living a healthy lifestyle. I think I am obligated to all of these things because I have truly been blessed in so many ways. How about you? How can you change your perceptions in order to find more balance?
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